Here we intend to guide you through the total process of design, development and delivery of the learning experiences. You will be guided through the various elements of a module that is developed on an e-learning platform. We will use examples from modules developed on CANVAS and throughout, you will be prompted to develop your own online module as we go through the process. You will also be introduced to a suitable online module quality assessment rubric
We have so far covered the Instructional Design Criteria 1. We shall now look at Criteria 2. We will look at Criteria 2.1 in detail
CRITERIA 2.1 Organizing Module Materials into Topics
Module materials should be organized by topics or learning units. You must attempt to meet all the following indicator.
An announcement welcomes students and provides clear information for getting started, directing students to the syllabus, and course instructions.
Module materials are organized by units, or topics and use appropriate delivery formats such as HTML or text-based PDF formatting.
The module design facilitates usability from the student’s perspective. Text color, font size, and type are readable and consistent throughout the course with proper headings and formats.
Module topics, discussions, assessments, and Dropbox folders are named consistently within each tool.
Elements That Affect Organization of Topics
We will now look at the various elements that will contribute to the effectiveness of your organization of topics or the learning units
Topic Checklists
A good Topic Checklist is a way to get the students to grasp your organization of the lesson. This will also help students to expect what is going to be taught, what are expected topic learning outcomes and assess throe own understanding in terms of a set success criteria. An checklist will utilize the LMS to intelligently develop a checklist and also place a Quiz in the checklist to assess the success criteria
An Example of a checklist
Content Format
A good content formatting is necessary to make the presentation of lessons attractive and meaningful. Utilizes HTML formats and LMS smart links wherever possible. Embed all multimedia content into your HTML pages with context provided. It is also recommended to include videos and clips that enhance the time line of the module. it is also a good idea to include closed captions. interactive elements where possible. For videos giving a lecture script is recommended. Also inclusion of non graded quizzes to guide for final quizzes is recommended. While not graded, these questions often directly relate to the quiz questions at the end of module. Lecture script is recommended.
An Example of Content Format
Topic Welcome Announcement
A welcome announcement would introduce the instructor and the module, setting the tone and expectations for students and communicating important policies and procedures for the module. Welcome announcement should demonstrate the instructor’s personality and enthusiasm, creating a polished, inviting presence.
An Example of a Topic Announcement
Topic Naming Conventions
All of the naming conventions should be consistent in capitalization, spacing, and punctuation and match the activities in the syllabus. Remove any dates, underscores/special characters, etc.
Names should also be consistent across all tools in LMS, such as content, dropboxes, discussions, assessments, and grade items.An Example of Naming Conventions
Navigation Guide or Road Map
An excellent road map series would include guides on navigating the material and specific examples or video walkthroughs on submitting assignments, making technical expectations for students extremely clear. All excellent videos should be produced at the highest quality.
An Example of Structure of Components
Structure of Components
All the lesson components in the module should be intuitive and consistent, including an introduction, content area, and activity or interaction area. For added consistency, use a clear and well-delineated grouping structure for similar elements in every module. For example: A module introduction and objectives, a checklist, reading/viewing assignments, your lecture content, third-party material, an assessment work with appropriate links and a conclusion
An Example of Structure of Components
A Final Word.
You may not be able to have all elements of ORGANIZATION, equally well developed. However, you must put your best effort to get maximum possible done. We will now look at putting in Module Objectives and Meaning full Narrative into your module.
for E-learning facilitation
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