Welcome to MIC Online Program Development Help. E-learning has become one of the most favored means of learning in the current world. This document provides a generic procedure to be followed when developing a new program. There maybe additional and specific requirements based on the nature of the program to be developed. You are required to contact the Principal Dean for specific guidelines You may download the pdf version of the Program Development Guide from the left navigation pane. Here we present a summarized version
The need for a new program may arise for many reasons.
A faculty may want to enrich the academic and skills basket of the faculty.
Student Support may wish to introduce a new program to cater for student requests.
The management may want to increase the MICs contribution to national goals development.
When the need for a new program is identified, the interested members shall approach the Principal Dean and the Registrar. Also the interested personnel shall approach the academic technology members of the Academic Technology Department, and the MIC Curriculum Development Department for support.
An approval for the program development is required form the Executive Committee. The following issues must be addressed in the Proposal for the New Program Development.
How does offering this particular program online fit with the goals of department, or the college?
What does the department hope to accomplish?
Is this an existing program, a new program, or a modification of an existing program?
Who will be the target group(s) for prospective students?
for E-learning facilitation
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